Dimethyl fumarate Accord Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

dimethyl fumarate accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - dimetil fumarate - multiple sclerosis, relapsing-remitting; multiple sclerosis - immunosoppressanti - dimethyl fumarate accord is indicated for the treatment of adult and paediatric patients aged 13 years and older with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (rrms).

ProteqFlu-Te Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - clostridium tetani toxoid / kvp 2242 virus / vcp1529 virus / għal vcp1533 għal virus / vcp3011 virus - immunologicals for equidae, live viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines, equine influenza virus + clostridium - Żwiemel - immunizzazzjoni attiva ta 'żwiemel ta' erba 'xhur jew akbar kontra l-influwenza taż-żwiemel biex jitnaqqsu s-sinjali kliniċi u l-eskrezzjoni tal-virus wara infezzjoni, u kontra t-tetnu biex tiġi evitata l-mortalità.

Vepured Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


laboratorios hipra, s.a. - verotoxin 2e rikombinanti ta 'e. coli - inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) escherichia + clostridium, immunologicals for suidae - majjali - immunizzazzjoni attiva ta 'ħnieżer minn jumejn biex tevita l-mortalità u tnaqqas sinjali kliniċi ta' mard ta 'edema (ikkawżat minn verotossina 2e prodotta minn e. coli) u biex jitnaqqas it-telf ta 'żieda fil-piż ta' kuljum matul il-perjodu ta 'l-irfinar quddiem infezzjonijiet bil-verotossina 2e li tipproduċi e. coli sal-qatla mill-età ta '164 jum.

Enteroporc Coli AC Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

enteroporc coli ac

ceva santé animale - clostridium perfringens type c, beta1 toxoid / clostridium perfringens, type a, alpha toxoid / clostridium perfringens, type a, beta2 toxoid / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f4ab / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f4ac / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f5 / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f6 - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) escherichia + clostridium - majjali - for the passive immunisation of progeny by active immunisation of pregnant sows and gilts to reduce:-           clinical signs (severe diarrhoea) and mortality caused by escherichia coli strains expressing the fimbrial adhesins f4ab, f4ac, f5 and f6-           clinical signs (diarrhoea during the first days of life) associated with clostridium perfringens type a expressing alpha and beta 2 toxins-           clinical signs and mortality associated with haemorrhagic and necrotising enteritis caused by clostridium perfringens type c expressing beta1 toxin.

Equilis Prequenza Te Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

equilis prequenza te

intervet international bv - razez tal-virus tal-influwenza ekwina: a / equine-2 / afrika t'isfel / 4/03, a / equine-2 / newmarket / 2/93, toxoid tat-tetnu - virus tal-influwenza ekwina + clostridium - Żwiemel - immunizzazzjoni attiva ta 'żwiemel minn sitt xhur ta' età kontra l-influwenza taż-żwiemel biex tnaqqas is-sinjali kliniċi u l-eskrezzjoni tal-virus wara l-infezzjoni, u immunizzazzjoni attiva kontra t-tetnu biex tevita l-mortalità.

Improvac Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


zoetis belgium sa - synthetic peptide analogue of gnrf conjugated to diptheria toxoid - immunoloġiċi għal suidae - male pigs (from 8 weeks of age); female pigs (from 14 weeks of age) - male pigs:induction of antibodies against gnrf to produce a temporary immunological suppression of testicular function. for use as an alternative to physical castration for the reduction of boar taint caused by the key boar taint compound androstenone, in entire male pigs following the onset of puberty. kontributur ewlieni ieħor għall-tifqigħa tal-ħanżir, skatole, jista 'jitnaqqas ukoll bħala effett indirett. mġieba aggressiva u sesswali (immuntar) huma wkoll imnaqqsa. female pigs:induction of antibodies against gnrf to produce a temporary immunological suppression of ovarian function (suppression of oestrus) in order to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies in gilts intended for slaughter, and to reduce the associated sexual behaviour (standing oestrus).

Suiseng Diff/A Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

suiseng diff/a

laboratorios hipra, s.a. - clostridioides difficile toxoid a, clostridioides difficile toxoid b, clostridium perfringens, type a, alpha toxoid - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines for pigs, clostridium - majjali - for the passive immunisation of neonatal piglets by means of the active immunisation of breeding sows and gilts:- to prevent mortality and reduce clinical signs and macroscopic lesions caused by clostridioides difficile toxins a and b. - to reduce clinical signs and macroscopic lesions caused by clostridium perfringens type a, alpha toxin.

Canigen L4 Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

canigen l4

intervet international b.v. - inattivat leptospira razez: l. interrogans serogrupp canicola serotip portland-vere (razza ca-12-il 000); l. interrogans serogrupp icterohaemorrhagiae serotip copenhageni (razza ic-02-001); l. interrogans serogrupp ma ' serotip bratislava (razza bħala-05-073); l. kirschneri serogrupp grippotyphosa serotip dadas (razza gr-01-005) - immunoloġiċi għall-canidae, vaċċini batterjali inattivati (inkluż mycoplasma, toxoid u chlamydia) - klieb - għal immunizzazzjoni attiva ta 'klieb kontra: l. interrogans serogrupp canicola serotip canicola biex tnaqqas infezzjoni u tneħħija fl-awrina;l. interrogans serogrupp icterohaemorrhagiae serotip copenhageni biex tnaqqas infezzjoni u tneħħija fl-awrina;l. interrogans serogrupp ma ' serotip bratislava biex titnaqqas l-infezzjoni;l. serogrupp kirschneri grippotyphosa serovar bananal / lianguang biex inaqqas l-infezzjoni u l-eskrezzjoni ta 'l-awrina.

Coxevac Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


ceva santé animale - vaċċin inattivat ta 'coxiella burnetii, strain nine mile - immunologicals for bovidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) - goats; cattle - cattle: , for the active immunisation of cattle to lower the risk for non-infected animals vaccinated when non-pregnant to become shedder (5 times lower probability in comparison with animals receiving a placebo), and to reduce shedding of coxiella burnetii in these animals via milk and vaginal mucus. , onset of immunity: not established. , duration of immunity: 280 days after completion of the primary vaccination course. , goats: , for the active immunisation of goats to reduce abortion caused by coxiella burnetii and to reduce shedding of the organism via milk, vaginal mucus, faeces and placenta. , onset of immunity: not established. , duration of immunity: one year after completion of the primary vaccination course.

Ecoporc Shiga Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

ecoporc shiga

ceva santé animale - organiżmi ġenetikament modifikati rikombinanti shiga-tossina-2c-antiġen - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) - majjali - immunizzazzjoni attiva ta 'qżieqeż mill-età ta' erbat ijiem, biex titnaqqas il-mortalità u sinjali kliniċi ta ' edima l-mard ikkawżat mill-shiga-tossina 2c prodotti minn escherichia coli (stec). il-bidu tal-immunità: 21 jum wara t-tilqima. tul ta 'żmien ta' l-immunità: 105 jum wara t-tilqima.